On the other hand, the power spectrum as obtained from the Zel'dovich approximation predicts the generation of power on small scales, mainly as a result of the formation of compact structures and caustics. Primordial inhomogeneities served as the seeds for structure formation. This wavenumber corresponds to the frequency observed in the spacecraft frame, fd = VSW/2π (L + Rg). Volume 825, The blue and red points and lines mark two β ranges. Citation J. Šafránková et al 2016 ApJ 825 121, 1 Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, V Holešovičkách 2, 180 00 Prague 8, Czech Republic, 2 Department of Physics, Imperial College London, London SW7 2AZ, UK, 3 Space Research Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia, Profsoyuznaya ul. The slope −4 is obtained from the power spectrum of density fluctuations in the broad annulus 1.5–10.5 arcmin. 1/f noise is an intermediate between the well understood white noise with no correlation in time and random walk (Brownian motion) noise with no correlation between increments. It has a worldwide membership of around 50 000 comprising physicists from all sectors, as well as those with an interest in physics. The normalization is with respect to (a) the inertial length frequency, {f}_{b}^{N}/{f}_{L}; (b) the gyrostructure frequency, {f}_{b}^{N}/{f}_{g}; and (c) the fd parameter, {f}_{b}^{N}/{f}_{d}. Power spectra measurements for the density fluctuation in a jet flame using dual laser vibrometry S. Köberl∗, 1, F. Giuliani1, F. Fontaneto2, J. Woisetschläger1 1Institute of Thermal Turbomachinery and Machine Dyna mics, Graz University of Technology, A-8010 Graz, Austria 2Laboratorio di Fluidodinamica delle Macchine, Dipartimento di Energia, Politecnico di Milano, 20156 Milano, Between ion and electron scales, a small-scale turbulent cascade of the magnetic energy from proton scales, where kinetic properties of ions do not meet fluid approximations, is characterized by a steeper power law with a spectral index varying between −2 and −4 (e.g., Leamon et al. Figure 8. Export citation and abstract The power spectral density of the oscillator is composed of a term related to the high-frequency fluctuations in the feedback loop and a term related to the low-frequency fluctuations of the frequency control voltage. 2011a), consistent with MHD turbulence predictions and numerical simulations. 2011) can be applied. The break between the MHD and kinetic ranges is at about 0.2 Hz for both quantities but Slope 2, corresponding to the ion kinetic range, is different, being near −3.1 for the bulk and only about −2.4 for the thermal speed, respectively. We cannot directly check this hypothesis due to the lack of magnetic field measurements on board Spektr-R. Šafránková et al. 2015), the non-monotonic profiles of dependences in Figure 4 are surprising. The American Astronomical Society. These effects are more pronounced for the bulk speed fluctuations; thus the spectral indices corresponding to the kinetic range of bulk and thermal speed fluctuations are about equal for extreme ion β values. It is true for the extreme values of β analyzed there and probably for intermediate values as well. The slope of the bulk speed spectrum in the MHD range is close to the already suggested value of 3/2. The power spectrum of matter density fluctuations has now been measured with considerable accuracy across roughly four decades in scale. Figure 7 suggests that a scaling of the bulk speed variations obeys similar rules as the scaling of magnetic field turbulence analyzed in Chen et al. (1998) analyzed conditions for a cyclotron wave damping and suggested that kd = ω /vA + vth is the minimum wavenumber at which the resonant dissipation would be important. The gyrostructure frequency is usually lower for high-β events; thus a difference between red symbols in Figures 6(a) and (c) is negligible and the correlation coefficients are higher (0.43) in both panels. The Zel'dovich approximation, combined with an initial spectrum, appears to yield a surprisingly good prescription of the large-scale matter distribution for the evolution of structure in the Universe; in particular, it describes the evolution of structure fairly accurately well into the non-linear regime, and is thus superior to the standard Eulerian linear perturbation theory. This frequency has a good physical meaning because the spacecraft in the solar wind would observe such a frequency if the structures of size RT are convected past. Therefore, 1/f noise can not be obtained by the simple procedure of integration or of differentiation of such convenient signals. 2009). The difference between magnetic and kinetic energies is usually called residual energy. All selected time series were then broken into 20 minute subintervals, FFTs were computed, and the spectra were fitted with two power-law functions. 35 Power spectral analysis has been used to characterize slow wave activity (SWA, 1 to 4.5 Hz EEG power) in control and depressed subjects, which confirmed that SWS reductions in major depression were correlated with decrements in SWA and validated the use of EEG power spectra to … Its spectral index was found to be close to −1.9 (Boldyrev et al. Although the time resolution is sufficient for the determination of spectral properties up to 16 Hz, Šafránková et al. The American Astronomical Society (AAS), established in 1899 and based in Washington, DC, is the major organization of professional astronomers in North America. The multipole power spectrum described in the preceding paragraphs and displayed in the figure below is derived from mathematical expansion of the CMB temperature fluctuations in terms of the functions mathematicians call spherical harmonics. In fact, it is shown that, for k→∞, P(k, a) behaves like k-3 on scales for which dissipative processes are negligible; this asymptotic behaviour is not an artefact of the Zel'dovich approximation, but is due to the occurrence of pancakes. A linear dependence of the density break point on this frequency suggests that the character of turbulence changes when the fluctuations become comparable to the proton gyroradius. The only systematic difference between bulk and thermal speed velocity spectra is shown in Figure 3(c). The Spearman rank correlation coefficients are given in the top part of each panel. Slightly different values obtained in our analysis (−1.47 in Figure 1 or 1.43 of the median spectrum in Figure 2) can be probably attributed to a limited set of data and thus the already published discussions on the formation of this slope (Podesta & Borovsky 2010; Boldyrev et al. We obtain a simple fitting formula for the smoothing scale used in the truncated Zel'dovich approximation. (2014a) suggested that the break point would be determined by the larger of two characteristic lengths; thus Figure 6(c) compares results of our analysis with this suggestion. Scaling of normalized break points of density fluctuations according to ion β. (2009), the plateau in the density spectrum is caused by a dominance of kinetic Alfvén over MHD turbulence and, consequently, break point 2 is a characteristic of kinetic fluctuations rather than an indication of dissipation. Boldyrev & Perez (2009) proposed that weak turbulence naturally generates a condensate of residual energy in small parallel wavenumber modes. Figure 3. At the MHD scale, the slope of −1.45 for the speed spectrum was consistent with the finding of other authors (Podesta et al. Each particular spectrum is shown by a small black dot, the red heavy lines stand for the medians computed in the range of a particular parameter and the second and third quartiles are denoted by the red dashed lines. You will need to select a minimum of one corridor. Power spectral density (PSD) functions were obtained for the analysis of the pressure fluctuation. This paper analyzes solar wind power spectra of bulk and thermal speed fluctuations that are computed with a time resolution of 32 ms in the frequency range of 0.001–2 Hz. Search for other works by this author on: © 1995 Royal Astronomical Society. (1991) reported that the velocity spectra are systematically less steep than the magnetic field spectra. The only criterion for the selection of intervals was that the spacecraft was upstream of the bow shock. (2013a) found that both speeds exhibit a steeper spectrum with mean slopes of about −3.4 and that the deviation between the density and speed spectral indices results in different ion break frequencies. The smoothed spectra of speeds are then fitted with two (the density spectrum in the panel 1(c) with three) straight lines and these fits are shown with red lines. Click here to close this overlay, or press the "Escape" key on your keyboard. 2011, 2013a). As the histogram shows, the set does not contain intervals with extreme values of β, and thus we have chosen values of 0.1 and 1 as limits. This conclusion was supported with an analysis of magnetic field spectra and we have shown that it can be applied to the speed spectra as well. Since inertial length frequency is typically smaller than gyrostructure frequency for small β, the blue points and lines (low-β events) are nearly the same as the symbols in Figure 6(b). We searched for conditions typical for such slow dissipation and found that the flat spectra are observed when either the magnetic field or plasma density is high. 2008; Chen et al. 2015; Šafránková et al. Although these two interpretations are basically identical, the first of them underlines an increase of forcing, whereas the second accents the lack of dissipation. Figure 6 apparently contradicts the suggestion of Chen et al. The correlation coefficients above the panel are given for the full data set (black) and for particular subsets. This way of smoothing is very effective, as can be seen in Figure 1 (see Šafránková et al. The same is true for Slope 1, which corresponds to the range of MHD fluctuations. On the other hand, Figure 7(c) shows that the scaling suggested by Leamon et al. An analysis of the spectra at different distances from the Sun shows that the velocity field evolves more rapidly than the magnetic field (Roberts 2010) due to the dominance of the magnetic energy over the kinetic at inertial range scales (e.g., Belcher & Davis 1971; Podesta et al. 2006, 2007; Podesta & Borovsky 2010; Boldyrev et al. The largest correlation coefficient is for the break point between scales (Figure 3(a)) and we can conclude that these breaks are controlled by the same mechanism. The spectral indices at this range vary from −5 to −2 and differ by ≈0.5 with an exception of very flat spectra (Slope 2 of VSW > −2.5 in Figure 3(c)). 2011). It is well known that the power spectrum of magnetic field fluctuations in the solar wind exhibits a Kolmogorov spectrum f−α in the inertial range of the turbulence with a power law exponent α near 5/3. Luttrell & Richter studied power spectra of magnetic field and density fluctuations in the frequency range of 10 −4 −10 −2 Hz. Distributions of β in our data set. Find out more. 2012; Kiyani et al. The overall shapes of these two spectra are very similar and the differences between the parameters of the fits are within the fit errors with the exception of Slope 2, which is steeper for the bulk than for the thermal speed. Recently, a power-law spectrum of magnetic and density fluctuations with a spectral index close to −2.8 seems to have been established (e.g., Chen et al. The black line in panel (a) shows intermediate events. Since the density break-point frequency changes by an order of magnitude but the solar wind speed only cahnges by a factor of two, the spatial dimensions of turbulent eddies are more important. Note that 160 individual spectra overlap in the figure and the corresponding PSDs are shown by the small black dots. The Linear power spectrum Cosmic structure results from the amplification of primordial density fluctuations by gravitational instability. Chen et al. The Institute of Physics (IOP) is a leading scientific society promoting physics and bringing physicists together for the benefit of all. Since the velocity break frequency is between the two breaks of the density spectrum, we can conclude that the breakdown of the MHD cascade happens in all fields in roughly the same place. In order to reveal the unsteady features of gas–solid flow, the pressure fluctuations were measured at different locations along the length of the pipeline while conveying powders through the pipeline. 2006, 2007; Podesta & Borovsky 2010; Boldyrev et al. One can see that the ratio fb/fL tends toward unity with a decreasing β (Figure 7(a)), whereas the fb/fg ratio is about unity for several events with largest β (Figure 7(b)). (2015) using a two-step procedure: (1) A set of overlapped 20 minute basic subintervals is created and the FFT is computed at each subinterval. Since both the forcing and dissipation rates depend on ion β, their competition could lead to the non-monotonic change of the spectral slope with β. The scaling of the speed break point with the gyrostructure frequency is shown in Figure 6(a) for low (blue) and high (red) groups of β. Magnetic spectra are variable and ion instabilities occur as a function of the local plasma parameters. Moreover, there are no simple, … The colored points show break points of individual spectra, and the heavy horizontal broken lines are medians in bins of the gyrostructure frequency. The density and speed break frequencies are both about equal to the gyrostructure frequency. Chen et al. At frequencies corresponding to the scale of the proton Larmor radius, the turbulent fluctuations become more compressible (Leamon et al. 2015). 2007; Salem et al. The BMSW data are available via http://aurora.troja.mff.cuni.cz/spektr-r/project/. The distribution of the averaged β representing our set is shown in Figure 5. For example, the density break point of 1 Hz roughly corresponds to the 0.3 Hz break point in the speed spectrum. Median power spectral density of the bulk (a) and thermal (b) speeds as a function of the spacecraft frame frequency. (2) The whole frequency interval (0.001–2 Hz) is divided into 1000 equidistant parts on a logarithmic scale. do not currently use the corridors. (2014a), but this suggestion was based on a discussion of events with β > 10 and/or β < 0.03. 2011; Borovsky 2012); however, Grappin et al. Example of the solar wind spectra on 2012 July 6 between 1600 and 1900 UT: (a) the frequency spectra of the proton bulk speed; (b) proton thermal speed; and (c) ion density. 2007; Podesta et al. The red segments and diagonal line have the same meaning as in Figure 3. They investigated the nature of MHD fluctuations occurring both upstream and downstream of parallel sub- and supercritical fast forward IP shocks. However, computations of the speed and temperature are based on the derivative of the Faraday cup deceleration characteristics and this process increases the noise in the processed data. The statistics, based on more than 42,000 individual spectra, show that: (1) the spectra of bulk and thermal speeds can be fitted by two power-law segments; (2) despite their large variations, the parameters characterizing frequency spectrum fits computed on each particular time interval are very similar for both quantities; (3) the median slopes of the bulk and thermal speeds of the segment attributed to the MHD scale are −1.43 and −1.38, respectively, whereas they are −3.08 and −2.43 in the kinetic range; (4) the kinetic range slopes of bulk and thermal speed spectra become equal when either the ion density or magnetic field strength are high; (5) the break between MHD and kinetic scales seems to be controlled by the ion β parameter; (6) the best scaling parameter for bulk and thermal speed variations is a sum of the inertial length and proton thermal gyroradius; and (7) the above conclusions can be applied to the density variations if the background magnetic field is very low. Figure 4. Although both break points are almost identical when their frequencies are low (about 0.1–0.2 Hz), the speed break point is lower in a systematic way in the high-frequency range. The instrument principles and the methods of determining the distribution function moments can be found in Šafránková et al. The intermediate values are denoted in black. 2014a). C.H.K.C. 2006; Alexandrova et al. Figures 1 and 2 show that the spectra of bulk and thermal speeds are very similar. (2015) and many other authors. Figure 9. This duration was chosen as a compromise between the noise in the frequency spectrum that increases with decreasing interval length and variations of the background parameters. In the next step, the PSD of fluid is converted to PSD of thermal stress by the frequency transfer function. The BMSW instrument provides values of the solar wind ion density, proton bulk velocity vector, and thermal speed with a time resolution of ≈32 ms. To achieve this time resolution, only six points of the integral distribution function are measured by six Faraday cups and the solar wind parameters are computed assuming a drifting Maxwellian distribution. The spectral behavior of magnetic field or velocity fluctuations is usually analyzed using the sum of the power spectral densities of all three components. The study is focused on the spectral properties around the break between MHD and ion kinetic scales and Šafránková et al. To test whether or not it can be used for speed fluctuations, we divided our set into three groups according to the ion β calculated from mean values of the magnetic field, proton temperature, and density on 20 minute intervals. On the other hand, for the low-β events (blue), there is no correlation of the speed break point and inertial length frequency. The inertial length frequency, fL, is defined as the ratio fL = Vsw/ 2π L where L is the inertial length. 1998; Smith et al. Power Spectral Density (PSD) is a frequency-domain plot of power per Hz vs frequency. RIS. The solar wind measurements originate from 2011 August to 2014 December; however, the measurements exhibit some limitations: (1) observations are not continuous, (2) the instrument can register the solar wind velocity up to ≈570 km s−1, and (3) the on board magnetometer is not in operation. Brownian motion is the integral of white noise, and integration of a signal increases the exponent \alpha by 2 whereas the inverse operation of differentiation decreases it by 2. The segments of the red thick line show medians in particular bins and dashed segments stand for first and third quartiles. However, both dependences are weak because, whereas a range of β is as broad as four orders of magnitude, the fb/fL ratio changes by a factor of about seven, and the fb/fg ratio by a factor of 20. We discuss their spectral properties and dependencies on solar wind parameters and compare them with density fluctuations. 1983; Muller & Grappin 2005; Boldyrev & Perez 2009, 2012; Chen et al. We calculate the evolution of the power spectrum P(k,a) of the density field in the Zel'dovich approximation, which can be reduced to a single one-dimensional integral. On the other hand, an analysis of the density variations (Figure 1(c)) revealed three power-law segments of the density spectrum, consistent with the study of Šafránková et al. The fits shown by the red lines reveal that the similarity of the bulk and thermal speeds shown in Figure 1 is a typical feature. Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. Parameters of the frequency spectra of these quantities are compared with the analogous parameters of proton density spectra studied in Šafránková et al. To understand the physical mechanisms of solar wind turbulence, various topics have been addressed: the nature and properties of the fluctuations, the origin and evolution of turbulence in the interplanetary medium, the mechanisms of the turbulent cascade of energy, dissipation at the smallest scales, etc. 2006). A slope of the dependence is close to unity. This simplified view can be applied on the velocity spectra but the density spectra exhibit two breaks and a plateau between them (Figure 1(c)). Šafránková et al. Our set covers generally the same time intervals, and thus we present this analysis in Figure 8. These variations can influence turbulence at shorter scales, which is the main subject of the present study. 2015). 2008, 2009; Sahraoui et al. Dash points: k min = 1/R, k max = ∞. The most successful scenario to date is the cold-dark-matter (CDM) model, with A+-0.9, with a baryon density Q~-0.1, with h =0.5 and 6 — 1.4— 2.5. of nonlinearity when the first objects collapse in the Universe is then complete-ly determined, characterized by a power spectrum for density fluctuations, P (k). Surprisingly, the largest correlation coefficient between fb and fL was found for a group of high-β events. Primordial fluctuations are typically quantified by a power spectrum which gives the power of the variations as a function of spatial scale. However, it is an open question whether or not cyclotron damping can act on low-frequency turbulence in the solar wind (Chen et al. Sleep EEG power spectra (also known as power density) for individual subjects are highly consistent between nights. 2011b; Chen et al. This means that a 2 Hz limit is sufficient for a reliable determination of the break frequency as well as for an estimation of the spectral slopes in both ranges. © 2016. By contrast, all available solar wind measurements are shown in Figure 2. This n = 1 spectrum was considered a generic possibility long The gas clumping factor estimated from the power spectrum of the density fluctuations is lower than 7-8 per cent for radii ~30-220 kpc from the center, leading to a density bias of less than 3-4 per cent in the cluster core. An expression is derived which relates the mean curvature of isodensity surfaces to the power spectrum of density fluctuations in the linear regime of Gaussian fluctuations with random phases. 2015) that are compressive, we apply the velocity magnitude as a comparable quantity. Dependence of slope 2 on (a) bulk and (b) thermal PSD spectra as a function of ion β. Figure 7. Observations of the solar wind magnetic field have shown that the magnetic power spectral density is a power law of approximately k −5/3 at large scales in the inertial range (e.g., Matthaeus & Goldstein 1982; Bruno & Carbone 2013), where aspects of the MHD approximation can be used (Biskamp 1993), as predicted by Goldreich & Sridhar . The diagonal black lines indicate an equality of the given quantities. This work was supported in part by the project LH15136 financed by the Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic, and in part by the Czech Science Foundation under Contract 16-04956S. If you have a user account, you will need to reset your password the next time you login. Averaging the periodograms of segments of long-duration signals more accurately assigns the power to the correct frequencies and averages to reduce noise-induced fluctuations in the power amplitudes. The authors thank the Wind team for the magnetic field data. The Zel'dovich approximation, combined with an initial spectrum, appears to yield a surprisingly good prescription of the large-scale matter distribution for the evolution of structure in the Universe; in particular, it describes the evolution of structure fairly accurately well into the non-linear regime, and is thus superior to the standard Eulerian linear perturbation theory. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide, This PDF is available to Subscribers Only. Google Scholar. 84/32, Moscow 117997, Russia, J. Šafránková https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4178-5206, Z. Němeček https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8160-3051, C. H. K. Chen https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4529-3620, Received 2016 March 23 You do not need to reset your password if you login via Athens or an Institutional login. The smoothed values are shown by the black rectangles. BTW, in the above derivation, the power spectrum P (k) is dimensionless in term of the fluctuation f (x) = (x) = [y (x) - y] / y, where y is the average. The dependences of these ratios on β are very clear, the correlation coefficients given at the top of the panels are high (0.7 and 0.3 for fb/fg and fb/fL, respectively). In the panels, the original spectra are shown as small black dots; the rectangles stand for smoothed values; the fits of the spectra are highlighted by the red broken line; and values of the spectral slopes and breaks are given in each panel. The format of the figure is the same as that in Figure 7. This systematic study is based on a relatively large set of the plasma data from the Bright Monitor of Solar Wind (BMSW) instrument that was launched on board the Spektr-R spacecraft. Search for other works by this author on: Oxford Academic. User account, or ( 2 ) the whole range of observed slopes fL, is defined the. 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