Only invest when you have enough money to do Hot arguments may create differences with spouse and children which may keep you tensed. MARS: In the beginning of the year 2021, Mars will be moving in Aries Sign. ह द म पढ न क ल ए यह क ल क कर : र श फल 2021 Aries Horoscope 2021 As per Astrology 2021 Predictions, this year is … This transit will give favorable results for those who are born with Aries, Cancer, Scorpio and Sagittarius as their Moon sign. You should be careful while dealing with your seniors and over enthusiasm should be totally avoided... read more, Your professional front may also not show positive results. Here are the transit results of Mars during this period. These are the transit results... read more, Yearly predictions of a particular Sign are the transit movement of various planets during one year. As such these factors should also be considered as the results of these predictions may get magnified or reduced depending upon the above factors. ... read more, Mars will transit from 03 November 2015 to 24 December 2015 in Virgo Sign. Followings are the results of Great Jupiter in various houses of a horoscope... read more, From 31st January 2016, Rahu will move to Leo and will remain there till 17th August 2017. Be cautious while crossing or walking on the road and do not pick up any quarrel whatsoever... read more, You may find lack of harmony in relations with family members. That said, we will not always have all the solutions and that will be frustrating. In such cases, these predictions should be read based on the first vowel of their popular name. Moon sign born with Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn and Aquarius will get... read more, This transit will have generally good results except a few signs that will not get the desired results during this transit depending upon the Moon Sign of the native. Astrology not only emphasises the inclination of an individual towards a particular field but it also helps in finding out the suitable sector of career... read more, Sunafa Yoga is formed when there is/are some planet/planets (except Sun, Rahu and Ketu) in the second house from Moon. Stick to your budget most of the time. You need to control your harsh speech to maintain sweetness in the relations... read more, Jupiter transit in Capricorn in the year 2020-2021 will prove to be a significant event and will have noteworthy influence on the natives of different Ascendants and Moon Signs... read more, Ketu transit in Scorpio in the year 2020-2022 will prove to be a significant event and will have noteworthy influence on the natives of different Ascendants and Moon Signs... read more, This is not a favorable month for family life. His prediction comprises of deep observation of houses, nature of planets, their position and strength in a horoscope. Care must be taken to ensure that leaders do not cross the line in trying to impose their ideas without taking into account the external reality. According to Chinese astrology the year of the metal Rat begins on the 4th of February 2020 which will continue until 25th January 2021. Each planet has Gem Stone of its own according to colour and the capacity of the gem ... read more, First house indicates mind, personality and face, second house voice, third house arms and chest, fourth house heart etc and so on. In 2021, we will finally be rid of the Saturn and Pluto conjunction, which in 2019 and 2020 forced us to change our habits and metamorphose internally. This transit will prove to be beneficial and will be able to yield favorable results. Mars will also add fuel to the fire at the beginning of July 2021. Moon placed in Scorpio. Some of you may even lose their jobs. Though beginning of the year may give some positive results but overall you may not feel satisfied at your workplace. It has been observed that some persons do not know their name based on the Moon Sign of the natal chart. Colleagues at workplace will be cooperative. This was an important feature in the previous 2 years, yet 2020 took a worrying turn for the worst. Editor in Chief and Astrologist for MyAstroMag - Wearing Ruby can help in curing these diseases... read more, Mars is considered malefic but for Cancer and Leo ascendant, this becomes Yogkaraka and bestows the native with prosperity and wealth. In fact, experts predict that we can expect healing, mending and progress. Virgo Horoscope 2021 Virgo Horoscope 2021 by AstroSage predicts favourable outcomes due to the placement of Saturn present in the fifth house. Rahu placed with other planets, aspect of other planets on Rahu and the Sign... read more, Favorable placement of Sun ensures success in life particularly in the field of job or profession. The Chinese New Year of 2021 falls on February 12. falls on February 12. Jupiter has moved to fourth house past month bringing some good hope. 2021 astrology prediction: What's going to happen in 2021 with Brexit and coronavirus THE YEAR of 2020 wasn't what we were expecting, and nobody is sure what's going to happen in 2021 … Yearly Prediction . You will get a 2021 horoscope for Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. Mars in the sign of Scorpio is goal oriented and has the strong quality to exploit others. Moon gives negative results, if a person has debilitated Moon i.e. Saturn is the habit and Uranus is change, the unknown, the new, the audacity, the future and even if it is very stimulating, we do not know what it holds so we fear its influence. During year 2018, Sun will start its transit from Capricorn Sign on 14th January 2018... read more, Mercury transit for most of the time in eleventh house will give positive results. First half of the month may give more favorable results... read more, This month will be favorable. It is a tense period during which it will be difficult to make our personal desires coincide with the imperatives of our social lives. You should also be alert at your workplace as someone at workplace may plan against you... read more, Like past month, most of the planets are still moving in favorable houses and as such this month can also prove to be a favorable month for those who are born with Aquarius as their Moon Sign. It should be noted that Pluto also represents fear and anguish, which left us little room for appeasement! Children also may not understand your attitude. In Vedic Astrology, Ascendant and Moon play very important role in predicting the future events. Our experts are readyto answer your questions Call 1-857-214-4450. We will constantly have in mind the desire to change our world, to respond to the calls for help from Mother Earth and to find or continue to develop new means of consumption. However, strength and degree, placement and Dasha period of a planet in a chart should also be taken into account as these factors may amplify or lessen the results... read more, Leo:- Sun will be transiting through your second and third house during the month. 2021 - 2022 Astrology Predictions and Potentials2020 was a life- changing year. Jupiter will transit in your fifth house. Our astrologer, Susan Taylor, has taken the time to look into the stars and bring you her global predictions for 2021. Their superiors will be more than willing to give them what they want, especially if they act tactful and flatter them. To keep the relations working, you need to control your speech. As you have no doubt already seen in the 2021 horoscope, this year our collective goal will be to move forward with a more combative attitude, even if it means turning everything upside down. If you've enjoyed this article, we suggest you check out: By Horoscope 2021 Predictions offer a detailed insight into the lives of natives of twelve zodiac signs for the year 2021. Virgo individuals should go by their wisdom while making important decisions during the year 2021. There could be changes in different countries regarding human rights and how some people are treated. In any case, the results may not be severe for any rashi or for any three phases of Sade-sati... read more, Financial position is likely to improve in coming months. Bhakoota is directly related to the mental plane of husband and wife... read more, This bead is also recommended to those who are unmarried and seeking suitable soul mate for happy married life. SUN: During year in 2021, Sun will start its transit in the beginning of the year from Capricorn Sign from 13th January 2021 and will keep on changing its sign after every one month. He gives them great opportunity and power to rise in the politics through any means fair or unfair. Writing for you and forecasting my exclusive predictions are my main passions. 2021 Yearly Prediction . Data protection RAHU: Rahu will be moving in Taurus Sign throughout the year 2021. According to Chinese astrology predictions, the last year i.e. Gemini, Sagittarius, and Scorpio need to be careful about their health for the first three months of 2021. This placement would bestow some good results. Not to regret the modifications that we put in place, not to take two steps forward and three steps back. Here predictions by Shri Vinayaka Astrology for the year 2021 are based on the Moon Sign. If posited in favorable position, it ensures happy relations in married life... read more, Effect of Mars transit in Aries from 16th August 2020 to 04th October 2020, Effect of Mars transit in Pisces from Family life may appear to be disturbing but married life ... read more, Here predictions of each Sign for the year 2019 are based on the Moon Sign. Moon sign born Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius born will face worst result of this transit. In relation to this, we will have to continue to make decisions and find solutions for the future in order to find better housing, to find tools to defend ourselves against a hostile climate, to improve our relationship with Nature and to ensure the future of our descendants. 2021 can be looked at as favourable and opportune from business and career point aspects. Ego keeps us trapped and do not provide opportunities to come out of our self... read more, Mars will transit from 20 February 2016 to 16 June 2016 in Scorpio which is his own sign. Some auspicious ceremony may take place at home. If Rahu is weak by placement in the chart.... read more, Exalted Jupiter in 1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th house of a chart are like an asset to the native which bestows everything in life including wisdom, health and all round prosperity... read more, According to Indian Astrology, Mars plays very important role in one's marriage. Here are the general predictions of Ketu in different houses of a chart.... read more, Rahu is a powerful and malefic planet. Effect of Ketu transit in Pisces from 12th July 2014 on your Rashi, Effect of Jupiter transit in Leo from 14th July 2015 on your Rashi, Effect of Rahu transit in Virgo from 12th July 2014 on your Rashi, When I Will Get Job - An Astrological Analyze, February 2015 Prediction For Each Moon Sign, January 2015 Prediction For Each Moon Sign, Functional Benefic & Malefic Planets For Each Ascendant, Effect of Saturn transit in Scorpio from 2nd November 2014 on your Rashi, Saturn Is Planet Of Scarcity And Disputes, Mercury Is Small But Is Extremely Important, Dasha Of Saturn And Mercury Are Yogkarak For Libra Ascendant, Different Important & Inauspicious Yogas In Horoscope, Astrological Remedies To Fight Depression, Who Should Wear Yellow Sapphire (Pukhraj), Functional Benefic and Malefic planets for each Ascendant, Mercury is Small But Is extremely Important. Minor injuries may not be ruled out. It is observed that Rudraksha controls the various chakras in the body... read more, Those who are in the field of surgery, medicines, marketing, technical, computer, electricity, fire- works manufacturing, engineering etc. We can expect important tensions in society between people who want a different economic system, those who dream way of living more ecologically and those who want to maintain capitalism. Cafe Astrology offers overview yearly horoscopes for 2021 for the zodiac sign of Aries. You may feel restless due to the reason beyond your control.... read more, This transit of Jupiter will prove to be favorable for those who are born with Cancer as their Moon Sign. Cooperation of spouse will be available but at the same time expenses may go high... read more, During this period, you will remain energetic but your aggressive attitude will be the main cause of problems in spoiling relations with others including with the closed ones. Yearly Horoscope . MERCURY: Mercury will start its transit from 05th January 2021 in the Sign of Capricorn in the beginning of the year and after going through various signs Mercury will again enter in Capricorn Sign on 29th December 2021 at the end of the year. In 2020, this aspect was also linked to Saturn; the planet known for reaping and Pluto; the planet of destruction. Thus you will need to prepare to face the year with courage and optimism. Some relief in married life relations can be expected in the months of more, Initials months of the year 2021 are favorable for professional life. Atmosphere at workplace will be cordial but after 14th April you may face problems... read more, This is an auspicious placement for the entire year. Its brief passage in Pisces in June and July will bring benevolence which should calm the spirits and counter the tensions that are arise. As this planetary conjunction corresponded to the epidemic of Coronavirus, we can only hope that now that it’s over the epidemic will be brought under control and that less lives are lost. The same have been mentioned in this article against each Moon Sign. Relations with the seniors and colleagues may remain the cause of distress... read more, Professional life may keep your worried during this year. Particularly, Mars has very destructive role... read more, Do not afraid. COVID-19 Psychic Astrology Predictions 2021 After answering some questions about COVID-19 on This Morning in London, I’ve realised British readers have many more. Mars will move through different signs during the year and in the last of year the same will enter the Scorpio Sign on 04th of December 2021. During this time, you are likely to make money in your trade and profession. In 2021, we will finally be rid of the Saturn and Pluto conjunction, which in 2019 and 2020 forced us to change our habits and metamorphose internally. Spend your money on needs rather than wants. Yet, it is through crisis that the phenix rises from the ashes. This also applies when you deal with your spouse. Atmosphere at workplace may be satisfactory... read more, You may feel dullness in your family life due to lack of cooperation and understanding. Depression is part of our life. 2021 Astrology predictions reveal that it will be upon you to take good care of your finances. This transit will give favorable results for those who are born with Taurus, Leo, Sagittarius and Aquarius as their Moon sign. The professional changes coming their way will be major. Luck will start bestowing good results upon you in later part of the month day by day. The predictions relate to new inventions. Financial position will be sound. From mid-January 2021, the Jupiter - Uranus square will push us towards certain exaggerations and a need to assert ourselves in a sometimes tyrannical and directive manner. You may remain restless which may cause unnecessary disturbance in family life. Sometimes, you may notice that your harsh attitude is also responsible for such situation... read more, Professional front is favorable but over confidence should be avoided. Please check the fields below and click the OK button. Transit of Planets during the year 2021 SUN: During year in 2021, Sun will start its transit in the beginning of the year from Capricorn Sign from 13th January 2021 and will … Below is the detailed description of Saturn Transit 02 November 2014 for each Moon Sign... read more, Ketu, if placed favorably in horoscope, brings a lot of luxury, wisdom. We will fight tenaciously to achieve our ambitions even if obstacles lie along our path. Beginning of the year is not very promising for love relationships during the 2021 Mercury retrograde. Turn the page on 2020 and get 2021 off to a good start. 18th June 2020 to 16th August 2020, Effect of Jupiter transit in Capricorn Western Astrology focuses on the role of Sun during predictions but Vedic Astrology emphasizes the importance of Moon while predicting the future events. It is believed that this bead also helps in progeny... read more, Venus is the planet well known for love, romance, sex, beauty, music, dance and recreations sources. should wear Red Coral with the consultation... read more, Ascendant and Ascendant lord both play important role to know the way of thinking and entire individuality of a person. Who are we ? Months of September/October 2021 may give more adverse results. Jupiter is also transiting your first house and will show its positive results at a slow pace. This is the good period for progeny and child birth. Venus transit is also favorable. According to the horoscope 2021, the coming year 2021 will bring a very special and significant change in the life of all the 12 zodiac signs This will have an impact on almost all the areas of your life. Beginning of the year may create some misunderstanding with spouse. This influence is kicking in this year. You are running second phase of Sadhe Sati which may create unnecessary tension in life. Income from real estate is also indicated... read more, Saturn will change its Sign this month after a long time. This situation will be encouraging for you to meet the new challenges. What are the main planetary aspects to look out for. According to astrological predictions for 2021, the outlook for next year is much rosier. Is June 2015 Auspicious For Your Marriage? You generate plenty of expenses, but there is no reason to fret; fortunately you have no financial constraints. There will be clashes between those who refuse the evolution of morals and those who will put forward the freedom of each individual and especially racial and sexual tolerance. This transit will have generally good results except a few signs that will not get the desired results during this transit depending upon the Ascendant or Moon Sign of the native... read more, These predictions of each Sign for 2016 are based on the Moon Sign. This year hums with positivity, vitality and happiness. If you are unsure of which decan to read for your 2021 horoscope, make your own free horoscope. It clears the confusion in mind and gives stability in life and enhances positive energy of Rahu. The stars invite us to turn the page on 2020 and move forward, yet without forgetting about the lessons we've recently learned. Disagreement with seniors may not be ruled out... read more, Married life will show mixed results during this year. Financially you may feel comfortable but still you will have to work harder to develop extra sources of income. Times are uncertain and we are questioning our future more than ever before. It behaves like Mars. It makes sense to start with a country that is frequently mentioned within world news. They will get promoted and close business agreements. There should be an improvement in the ability to fight back with adverse situations... read more, Seventh house in the horoscope is considered for various marriage aspects like delay in marriage, timing of marriage, compatibly, success of married life and so on. His other interests also show his bent towards religious and secret awareness including supernatural powers... read more, The general purpose of Maa Katyaani Pooja is to pray the Goddess for the early or timely marriage of an individual mostly girl. Legal notice Venus will be transiting in Cancer Sign in the beginning of the month and will move to next sign of Leo on 15th September 2017... read more, Here predictions of each Sign for the year 2018 are based on the Moon Sign. This month family life will be comfortable and you will try to enjoy the company of your spouse. We still risk warnings related to climate change and natural disasters (this square between Uranus and Saturn is formed between the sign of Taurus which is linked to Mother Earth and Aquarius which represents the people). JUPITER: Jupiter will be moving in Capricorn Sign in the beginning of the year 2021. Like past month, professional front appears to be supportive... read more, Most of the planets are moving in favorable houses and as such this month can prove to be a favorable month for those who are born with Aquarius as their Moon Sign. 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