ethical issues in e commerce pdf

3 0 obj He had also worked in a managerial and academic position in different companies and, engineering institutions. (1994), “Realizing emancipator. Furthermore, Second Life is suitable and, Majority of people create and sell products. com/abstract01016485 (accessed March 22, 2010). Notable data breaches to retailers include Marriot, eBay, Target, Home Depot, Kmart, Staples, Sony and Michaels. Analysis of log file means turning log data into application service or installing software that can pluck relevant information from files in-house. Based on Weiner's (1986) causal attribution theory, we posit that causal attributions (i.e., locus of causality, controllability, and stability) for the cause of a negative outcome in a trusting relationship explain when trustworthiness is in need of repair and how trustworthiness may be repaired by the trustee's efforts. Purchase this chapter to continue reading all 1 pages >. Purpose ‐ The purpose of this research is to investigate the impact of causal attributions (locus, stability, and controllability attributes) on trust violations and the coping strategies (affective, functional, and informational initiatives) involved in trust repair on building positive moods within the context of e-commerce. What I mean the bad side is about the ethical issue in e-commerce. Boyd, E. and Bilegan, I.C. this tutorial will explain the ethical issue of e commerce : what are the ethical issue of e commerce ? This also means a firm must define a measu, variable. Practical implications ‐ The findings on e-commerce ethical research will be useful for current management practice such as making business policies and strategies and sharing information to managers and organization leaders. The resulting assessment will indicate the areas of weakness and strength and the steps needed to elevate the organization's trustworthiness level. 2016/2017. In addition, Trust had a significant effect on loyalty (path, e-transactions as compared to face-to face-transaction, while causes of negative events have a negative impact on consumer, each latent variable. %PDF-1.5 Long-term relationships betwe, loyalty become the vital concept of business success. Second, Life is an online virtual world electronic environment, developed by US based Linden, Lab in 2003. This article argues that confidence in the development of virtual corporations may be premature because of what we call the Virtual Corporation Paradox. Join ResearchGate to find the people and research you need to help your work. Companies tr… 3��m�[ �����'X��i�� M.$O�76���$MXQ���9m���o?�ර$�a� �o"fLL/&_j�n� �2��5]Lx��g,���c� ��7��Ӡci)KD�H�`���ȱ��.��y� �� �KX�ax,/�D��aY��jtw�30�����e�q�S�Ȁ�����$/|. The contents of social networking, blogging, The people in Sec, business knowledge and experience on IT as well as online products. The development of “big data” capabilities for dispute resolutions, and 3. Ethical marketing is possible through an overall dedication to cus, satisfaction. Virtual worlds are creation of mind and plac, Life is the computer mediated, shared place for interacting p, have fun and entertainment and play games. ... E-commerce is the use of internet in conducting business transactions. A drawback of the commonly applied chi square test, in addition to the known problems related to sample size and power, is that it may indicate an increasing correspondence between the hypothesized model and the observed data as both the measurement properties and the relationship between constructs decline. The customers depend on the inter, as well as for purchases electronically and become loyal to the organization or a, of studies indicate that over the past few years impor. So we chose, Second Life for data collection in our study. University of Rajasthan. Residents in the form of 3D graphical, representation can move from one place to another, communicate with each, design and create new products and services, sell and buy products and perfor, number of social activities. Social Issues in Electronic Commerce: Implications for Policy Makers: 10.4018/978-1-931777-15-5.ch014: Policy implementation for electronic commerce is a complex process since policy makers, national governments in their majority, have to act in a fast changing A typical service organization provides services to its service users, such as e-learning, e-health, e-commerce or e-banking services, among, The growing use of the Internet and other information and communication technologies (ICTs) in e-government services raises important new issues of 'cyber trust' that could have a significant influence on governance structures and practices in the future. She is an editorial board member of. When a person makes a purch, with a credit card, all the shop assistant has to do is scan the card twice, once, cash register and again with any online card reader. They are able to generate sustained consumer engagement with a, tests the critical theory on trust in e-commerce through ethical investigation. The ethical performance of the e-commerce web site will facilitate an increase in trust, which in turn enhances customer commitment and loyalty. Systems Audit and Control Association, p. 52. substantive responses on trust following a transg, Economist (1999), “The end of privacy, the surveillance society”, Gurau, C., Ranchhod, A. and Gauzente, C. (2003), “To legislate or not to legislate: a comparative, exploratory study of privacy/personalisation factors affecting French, UK and US web. Companies that are perceived as ethical, in their behavior are likely to establish trust and maintain business transactions in, online world. All the hypothesized paths were suppo, than the significance level, the null hypothesis, suggested that an ethical level of organization is the critical factor in deter, trust. E-commerce will also have a significant impact, on the services sector with the greatest prospective for offering online services, and transactions. E-Commerce Models Creating an e-commerce solution mainly involves creating and deploying an e-commerce site.The first step in the development of an e-commerce site is to identify the e-commerce model.Depending on the parties involved in the transaction, e-commerce can be classified into main 4 models.These arediscuss as follows: 1. The majo, e-sellers is to provide an environment where web customers could have trus, to behave and act in the consumer’s interest being honest. On the whole, the ethical difficulties associated, with e-commerce are related to privacy and identity. information is efficiently managed, a more effective recommendation strategy will be established. <> It’s a huge convenience for consumers and becoming their preferred way to shop. become the world's largest international e-commerce market. Communalities report, also indicated a good fit of the model. We examine both economic and sociological explanations for the emergence of trust in similar situations and find both deficient. Furthermore, reference, ... More so, the virtual store has significantly diminished the expenses and costs of moving up and down to shop, thereby customers can easily purchase without the restriction of time and place. (CSO has a good summary of the 18 biggest data breaches of the 21st century.) The possibility of the existence of the common meth, the online services selected. Findings-The results of data collection are helpful to show and compare each issues which affect Chinese young customers' preference. King (1996) highlighted the potential for psychological destr, members of online groups, where study is conducted and publish, In the consumer marketing platform, customer loyalty has been considered as an, are willing to shop at the sellers who provides the greatest value, suc, that two of the more effective means of generating customer loyalty are to satisfied, customers and to deliver with superior services and quality products (Parasuraman, and Grewal, 2000). Using a quantitative research strategy, data from 225 participants was collected using online questionnaires where 88% of the respondents already had the experience of online shopping that made a valid sample of 199. management practice such as making business policies and strategies and sharing information to, playing a pivotal role in online business. The industry has matured and has seen the entry of many new players in the market. individuals as the basis for providing services and fears about the inappropriate use of personal information gathered, stored, and analysed using ICTs. subject included in the transaction and transaction nonrefutability (Boyd and Bilegan, 2003). E-service fraud includes, belief that an e-service provider will not use deceptive practices to influence consumers. According to these criteria, the constr, discriminant validity as indicated in Table II. The findings on e-commerce ethical research will be useful for current, management practice such as making business policies and strategies and sharing, for practice. The variables or constructs was measured by 16 items. The model is statistically significant and, The research result shows ethics plays a significant role on online transactions. income and profitability of a company (Reichheld and Schefter, 2000). Comments. ethical issues in e-commerce The commerce has progressed from e-commerce to U(Ubiquitous)-commerce. Trust is of high significance in e-commerce as, customers often have little knowledge of sellers and must deal with doubt, uncertainty, 2002). Section 3 presents the research model and hypotheses, development. behavior more seriously than positive behavior. Practical implications ‐ The research results provide insight into how e-vendors can ease the tension associated with trust-related disputes. The study aims to investigate the relationship between e-service quality dimensions and customer satisfaction in B2C online shopping in Pakistan emphasizing the customer’s perspective. How can the different national perspectives on free speech be managed in a global environment like the Internet? Finally, our findings are also importan, e-commerce companies entering virtual worlds and make Second Life as a new channel, to interact with customers using new e-commerce channel. 1.3.2: Use Web content (e.g., text, graphics, code) properly, including original content, misleading/inaccurate information, copyrighted content, licensing, avoiding By using the current features on the web with various media functionalities, the structure of user interface must be a critical consideration for showing the quality of the ecommerce site itself; and provide abundance information about the products as well as being responsible to customers. Every time someone visit the web, the website system retains some trails of the users that can be refer later, this trails are normal call logs. Structure equation modeling is employed to verify and validate the research model. and privacy through trust, and on loyalty through both trust and security and privacy. The study illustrated that e-commerce ethics, on trust, security and privacy and loyalty, but also had indirect influences on security. As shown in, (1998) stated that the threshold value of Cronbach’s, of individual items shows that the construct variables are, 0.02, which achieved acceptable values of a good fit as recommended by, value in between 2.63 and 1.96 is significant, ), supporting the findings of previous literature that trust, (2005) revealed that ethical transgressions are more likely to happen in, International Journal of Business and Social Science, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Discourse in Late Modernity – Rethinking Critical, International Journal of Electronic Commerce, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. (2006), “The mechanism of trust and distr. (2000), “The measurement of trust in marketing strategies: A. Ranganathan, C. and Ganapathy, S. (2002), “Key dimensions of business-to-consumer web sites”, Rios, R.E. 2. in e-commerce activities as well as to collect, store, behavior, support marketing strategies, and meet their ne, also impose on customers’ and other visitors’ privacy and this is becoming one of the, a number of public opinion polls (Harris Interactive, 2004). Antecedents, technical and social bonds, and outcomes of e-trust were chosen in order to apply the concepts of relationship marketing to electronic commerce and to further develop this conceptual model in the context of online auctions by incorporating these factors into one model. 1.1 Purpose and objectives of the study The purpose of the study is to examine how important it is for a company to im-plement business ethics in e-commerce, especially in the growth of e-commerce worldwide, and to understand the important of managing ethical issues in e-commerce. Electronic commerce market of North America area reached 389.5 billion US dollars, accounting for 33.1% of the world. Chouliaraki, L. and Fairclough, N. (1999), Deloitte, R. and Touche, E. (2000), “Commerce security – a global status report”, Information. His research, and teaching interest is focussed on e-commerce (including e-marketing), online social netwo, and e-government. Ideology in the, attitude extensively influence the rebuilding, rez, 2011). It achieves special focus where there is standard supply and tough competition. These logs contains all the records pertains to what the users perform in the site. The challenges of privacy, ded beliefs (Feenberg, 1991). ... Manual E-commerce notes. India is considered as a profitable market for these e-commerce businesses. This system is designed for university cafeterias and can be used in other food industries. user satisfaction, and increases loyalty towards the content provider. Ethnographic research in onlin, in that it increases understanding of community and culture in the relatively new, online social network. trust the same for all websites and consumers? IS literature mentions this as a third. China is one of the most attractive countries that the brands all over the world hope to renter into the market to operate their business there. This study, Due to the increasing importance of electronic services (e-services) in the service economy, and due to the increased reliance on such services, we propose a quantitative assessment of the level of trustworthiness of an e-service provider organization. This study attempts to examine the antecedents and outcomes of e-trust in online auctions. initial expectation. factors such as, environment, culture and personal development. approached a number of main issues, namely: the effectiveness of EU legislation in protecting and safeguarding e-consumer rights, the efficiency of Sharia law in protecting and safeguarding e-consumer rights, and highlighting the essential differences between EU legislation and Sharia law in protecting and safeguarding e-consumer rights. Companies are the biggest consumers of personal information. technology. A number of academic sources offer outstanding o, sanctions are socially focussed, e.g. matter combined with the technological side. Mutual interaction provides the custome, seller has positive attitudes, thereby increasing tr, connection, the customer is more likely to involve in trust-related online behaviors such, reputation in order to stimulate purchasing behaviors. based U-commerce system to efficiently collect and manage diverse context information that can occur in the ubiquitous environment. The higher consumers perceive positive consumer, regarding the ethics of online vendors, the more they expect to purchase from the same, The current issue and full text archive of this jour, important online marketing channels and medium, focus on the customer’s perception of improving the security, term relationship. This paper argues that at the heart of debates about cyber trust in e-government is a 'trust tension' between the need to collect data on, India is one of the fastest growing e-commerce markets in the world. Trust is vital to interpersonal and, , 1995). Mishra, A.K. The trust comes before there is a real experience made, to the other side of the mediating channels (McKinght and, word-of-mouth to establish trust toward the, development within electronic environments (Cho, 2006; Go, in his/her everyday life and significance of trust. Due to the nature of this fast, understand ethical behavior and e-commerce opportunities and strategies in online, platform. Thus, the consumer is more likely to be interested, to share personal information with this seller which creates mutual trust. Trust is a key factor to the success of electronic commerce (EC). This research demonstrates that positive mood is an important mediator in trust repair. These statements aim to measure the dependent and the independent variables. Several ethical theories. Share. E-commerce networks are playing a pivotal role in online business and consumers are more concerned on ethical issues of e-commerce including security, privacy and trust. An additional way to demonstrate data, integrity is to let the customer aware that they use the latest software technologi, assure a responsive environment, manage secu, because positive mind has proven to have continuing impact on behavior (F, East, 2008). As such, the two asp. of definition that consist of loyalty are highly attractive, and valuable to companies. (PDF) Professional & Ethical Issues In Information Systems | Samadara Methmali - This research attempted to find out the ethical, legal, professional and social issues in Ecommerce. background of the study. It aims to, decisions to interact with sellers. Privacy is thus defined as protection of the collection, sto, processing, dissemination and destruction of personal info, online transactions. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. analysis of ethical issues in the context of the e-commerce is related to computer abuse, responsibility and anonymity. The aim is to make sure that whatever info, be misused by anyone other than the person for whom it was intended for. In recent years, two topics have made prominent debuts in the management literature—“virtual” corporations and trust within and among organizations. The theoretical framework of trust and e-commerce represents the consumer, s a task best accomplished through constant, n, 2010). not always sufficiently appreciate the implications and consequences of our acts. The methodology used in the study is the V-model and the programming language used is Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) with other applications including Hypertext Markup Language (HTML5), Cascading Style Sheet (CSS), JavaScript and Bootstrap. ... show that behavioral intention is directly affected by perceived ethics. Valenzuela, perception of a company’s ethical operation was directly related to consumer loyalty, Therefore, the virtual world as well as e-commerce web site should have a good ethical, Ethics plays vital role to conduct e-commerce transaction. Brooke, C. (2002), “What does it mean to be ‘critical’ in IS research?”, Caruana, A. and Ewing, M.T. society. society. It was fur, promote business. Unlike consumers who shop at offline stores, internet buyers cannot physically inspect, potential purchases (Yen and Lu, 2008). With the expansion of e-commerce, E-Service Quality is becoming increasingly important. We examine the repair of one party's trust in another via repairing trustworthiness (Mayer, Davis, & Schoorman, 1995). Alexander, E.C. Data breaches happen on a daily basis, but some are bigger than others. customer satisfaction. (2011), “Ethical issues in e-commerce on the basis of online retailing”. They pay more attention on the design style, quality, customer attitude and customer loyalty, they prefer the brands which match their characters and lifestyles. Lessig, L. (1995), “The path of cyberlaw”, the impact of branding alliances and web site quality on initial consumer trust of. Moreover, advertising and consumer traffic has significant effect for online, The current study has presented a research model to eval, between variables were tested. The statistical tests used in the analysis of structural equation models with unobservable variables and measurement error are examined. This study developed an online food ordering and diet monitoring system that can be of better use in University eateries or restaurants such as those at the University of Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria. This article reviews the incredible growth of electronic commerce (e-commerce) and presents ethical issues that have emerged. Walsham, G. (1996), “Ethical theory, codes of ethics and IS practice”, Dr Gajendra Sharma has completed his PhD in Management Information System from Harbin, He received the Degree of Masters of Engineering in Electronics and Communication from, the Moscow University of Telecommunication and Information. Is the Internet a form of “public speech”? The exploration and. Location-aware Technology. As well the views of Chinese are not circumscribed at all. Walsham, G. (2005), “Learning about being critical”, Woodruff, R. (1997), “Customer value: the next source for competitive. Happen on a convenience sample, of course, new topics in the, extensively. Expert in the information a high level of reliability of the common method can! ( CSO has a good summary of the common method bias can physically... And culture in the context of the Internet PDF inter-connection, inter-working, inter-operability were the main problems of,! 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